Thursday, October 04, 2007

Endotine Forehead Lift

Q: What is an Endotine forehead lift?

A: A forehead lift or browlift is intended to reposition drooping eyebrows and soften creases of the forehead and between the eyebrows. The traditional “open” browlift involves a long ear-to-ear scalp incision (bicoronal) that is used to elevate the forehead and eyebrow tissues, remove excess skin and reposition the eyebrows. This long incision leaves an unsightly scar often with scalp numbness and a long recovery time. The “endoscopic” browlift uses small 1-inch incisions behind the hairline through which a small endoscope is inserted to detach the same tissues. The forehead and eyebrows are then repositioned and held in place by two small “endotine” devices. The endotine is a small triangular-shaped device that holds the tissues with small, sharp prongs. Once the tissues have healed, this device simply dissolves away. In essence, leaving no trace and no scars. For me this has revolutionized how I do browlifts. Recovery is fast, swelling is minimal and the results are dramatic.
Recently, this endotine device has been redesigned to be used as a method to lift the cheeks, also through inconspicuous incisions. This so-called endotine midface or malar lift is also changing the way I do cheek lifts. For more information about the endotine forehead lift or the midface lift, call for a complimentary consultation, log onto my website at or, log onto the official endotine website at


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